Simply Simple

“So we could all have money.”

That was the response I got from one of my 5 year old students many years ago when I asked why he had handed out pennies to every member of his class one day on the playground.

What a simple and Profound way of thinking. He knew he had plenty and his friends had none. In order for everyone to have a little something, he would need to share. So simple.

We often look at children as having little knowledge or wisdom, but after 15 years of teaching I have come to realize that children are often the ones with the most powerful of knowledge, and sadly we often taint them with our more “sophisticated” much more complicated knowledge.

As a teacher for many years to 5 year olds, I acquired a taste for many children’s authors. Time after time, I could find valuable lessons in an Eric Carle or Bill Martin Jr., but it is Dr. Seuss I have found the most simplistic yet profound lessons about life.

ALWAYS Be Yourself

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer then YOU.

Don’t try and be someone else. There is NO one on the earth who looks like you, talks like you, smiles like you, walks like you, IS you.

You are unique. You were created with your own thoughts. Your own opinions. Your own feelings. Your own look.  You don’t have to conform to what everyone else looks like to fit in. In fact, Dr. Seuss even asks the question, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”

Embrace what makes you, you. I am short, chubby, and have fair skin and red hair. I am loud, opinionated, and sassy. I hate okra, apple juice, and cottage cheese. And all that makes me delightfully wonderful.

Follow Your Own Path…NOT Someone Else’s

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go….

In this life we are faced with mountains of choices. There are going to be those who try to persuade you down one path or another. Sometimes there are many voices shouting at you telling you what you should do….but you know what? The decision is ultimately YOURS.

It is wise to seek guidance, but don’t ever let someone make the final decisions for you. Take that first step… take a leap of faith. Remember….

You’re off to great places! Today is your day. You mountain is waiting, so you get on your way!

Be Persistent And You Will Find Success

Everything Stinks till it’s finished

Fear of failure, laziness, and procrastination often keep us from following through on many things.  Sometimes it is much easier to just give up rather then keep on. But there is no reward in quitting.

There are times life is going to be hard. We will have problems and tasks that seem to be impossible to tackle, but our success all lies in our attitude…

I’ve heard there are troubles of more than one kind; some come from ahead, and some come from behind. But I’ve brought a big bat. I’m all ready, you see; now my troubles are going to have troubles with me.

If you work hard success will find you. It might not be the way you envisioned, but you will achieve it. Being an active participant in life is important. You can’t find success by sitting on your couch and watching Dr. Phil….you MUST do the work.

And will you succeed? Yes, indeed. Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed.

Keep Control But Don’t EVER Grow Up

Only you can control your future

This is probably one of the most profound statements from Dr. Seuss. Life is going to throw a lot of stuff our way, and how we chose to respond any set of circumstances will determine how we come out on the other side.

Don’t blame others for your goof ups. They lead us that way, but we are the ones who make the choice to follow. Again, remember…YOU are YOU. Don’t compare your accomplishments, looks, and abilities to those of others. Embrace yours and use them to succeed.

Adults are obsolete children.

Don’t ever grow up! Embrace the child that still lives in you. All too often we lose our childlike innocence and wonder as we grow older. We make things more complicated and complex then they really are.

From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!

Don’t stop finding the simple humor in life. There is ALWAYS something to laugh at! Take time to play along the way…. You will be much, much, MUCH happier I guarantee.

And finally….

Remember: Don’t Go Alone

We’re all a little weird and life’s a little weird. And when we find someone who’s weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness call it love.

How boring life would be if we had to walk it alone. Thankfully we don’t. If you find someone or a group of someone’s who like and embrace your weirdness…. hold on to them. They are going to make the journey so much easier and more fun!

Life is hard enough without us having to make it more complicated. Perhaps the next time you get overwhelmed or bogged down with your day, just pull out an old Dr. Seuss book and be reminded that

Sometimes the questions are complicated, and the answers are simple!

16 thoughts on “Simply Simple

  1. Pingback: Don’t Overthink It. Simply Simple – Bee Organized with Pamela

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