Please Don’t Go


This coming Sunday an event is occurring that I knew a year ago would happen, but I am in no way ready to handle it.

The pain that comes with the reality it is going to happen is so heavy, I started crying months ago.

As each day passes and inches me closer to Sunday, I find myself in a desperate situation. Will I be brave enough to endure AFTER Sunday? Can I ever laugh again? These are serious questions that plague me day and night.

What is this dreaded event that is set to shatter my life? What has forced me into asking if I will be able to face another day?

The end of Downton Abbey.

After 6 glorious years, the Crawley family and their beloved servants are saying Farewell. Just as quickly as they entered my life, they are leaving.


For the past 6 years I have lived the highs and the lows with the Crawleys.

We have survived through Sybil and Matthew’s tragic deaths, WW1, Edith’s numerous botched romances, sex scandals, blackmail, false imprisonments, a fire, and every Sprat and Danke moment.

My Sunday’s will never be the same again. How can I NOT know what the Crawley family is up to?

Who will Lady Mary be today? Mary Poppins, or Attila The Hun?

Will the Constable be coming to arrest Bates or Anna for some trumped up murder today? I am pretty sure there are several people in the village they have not been falsely accused of murdering yet.

Will Mosley ever man up and plant a big kiss square on Baxter’s lips?

Will Thomas ever realize that instead of a Butler, maybe he should be the Manny?

Will Lady Edith, EVER have good luck on her side?

These are REAL issues I will think of daily.

Will Mrs. Patmore marry Mr. Mason and become Daisy’s mother-in-law?

Will Andy ever learn to read?

What about Sybie, George, and Marigold? What will become of them???????

Will Branson ever love again?

Will Isobel and the Dowager move into a retirement home together and be roomies?

Sure, I can tune into the Walking Dead, but compared to a Mary/Edith fight, that show is about as tame as Sesame Street.

And how will I endure with a good Dowager insult each week?

The end is coming whether I am ready or not. While I may not see my favorite family and their servants each week, they will forever live on in my memories. Sunday’s will be a whole lot duller, and less dramatic, but

Golly, I’m sure I will recover… Someday.

11 thoughts on “Please Don’t Go

  1. Love this. I don’t even watch Downton Abbey and I read the whole article. I suppose I can live vicariously through true fans! Your tone is the perfect blend of humorous despair and actual despair šŸ˜‰ Really awesome. Grateful to NOW be following. With Joy and Peace, Zach from

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You know, my money was on Mary and Tom getting together. After all, they weren’t related. So are they going to tie up everyone’s story line nice and neat but his??? I had forgotten how much I disliked Mary until she outed Edith’s secret. But like you, this is my period and I can’t believe it’s going to be over. I can only watch “Remains of the Day” so many times! Argh…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ok… So I think Sir Julian did a pretty good job of typing up loose ends. EXCEPT for bringing that what’s her name to the wedding. The woman who was teaching Daisy initially and got so mouthy at table. I hate having the idea of him having a relationship with her looming over my head!!! What did YOU think of it?


    • Ok… WAS that her? You are the second person that has said that. I thought it was Edith’s new Editor. If it was Ms. Bunting I will devastated. I LOVE that Thomas is staying at Downton where he belongs. I love that everyone seemed fairly happy and off to a new beginning. Selfishly, I WANT MORE! šŸ™‚

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      • Took me awhile to ferret it out, but I was wrong. You are correct. It WAS Laura Edmunds, Edith’s assistant (Antonia Bernath). Thank God! I could see Tom getting hooked up with someone modern like that. I thought it was odd to see the other lady there. Why would she have been. But couldn’t for the life of me think who else it was. Thank you SO much for setting me straight on that!!! Now I can sigh easily if not sadly… It was all beautiful. But it didn’t say what the new baby’s name was, did it?

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