A Chaotic Masterpiece

Can I be real?  I mean really REALLY real. I’m talking about the you may find out way more about me then you truly want to know kind of real.

Today I woke up and I did something millions of us do each and every morning,  I jumped on Facebook to see what was going on in the world.

Come on, you know you do it to.  Gone are the days of CNN, Headline News, Fox, or MSNBC.  Now if I want to know what is truly going on in my town or beyond, I simply log on to social media.  Where else am I going to know what you ate for dinner last evening, how many miles you ran, or the latest model car your husband bought you?  Where else can I hear how incredibly disastrous our President is, what professional athlete or celebrity is currently offended, or how whatever product you are selling is going to change my life? Continue reading

Just Doing My Thing

So I may be just a little wee bit dramatic.

Ok…so I am VERY dramatic.

Once when my sister fainted in church, instead of helping my mother place her limp body back up into the pew, I starting immediately shouting to the congregation, that was deep in prayer, that ” HELP! HELP! MY SISTER IS DYING!!!!!”

Of course she wasn’t dying, and I drew more attention to the situation than my mother or sister wanted, but it is just who and what I am. Continue reading

Yes, I Weigh 125 lbs., And Other Lies I Tell Myself

Sometimes, real life sucks, so I daydream. My life is so much more interesting and fulfilling in those fantasies then they are in reality. For example, Yesterday at the Doctor’s office, the nurse wanted to know my weight, my response was, “Do you want my real weight, or the Mythical weight I  have convinced myself I am?” Thankfully, she let me enter my mythical weight.

Surely I am not the only one who, in their head, has a far more entertaining life then they do in reality????  We mean well, and aren’t really trying to be deceptive, but sometimes it is just way easier to fill my head with nonsense, than it is to live out the truth. Continue reading

It’s Good To Be Queen

There are many adjectives that can be used to describe me.


All would be correct.

But there is one title I have held on to my whole life….

Drama Queen Continue reading

My Specialty

We all have something we are incredibly good a; some skill that we totally excel in…leaving others in a cloud of dust as we rocket on by.

Some of you can crunch some serious numbers in your head.
Some of you can give Julia Child a run for her money in the kitchen.
Some of you can sing beautiful melodies that make birds and other wildlife suddenly appear at your feet.
And some of you can look at some string, milk jugs, leaves, and PVC piping and create a gorgeous table centerpiece. Continue reading

What Ya See Is What Ya Get

I hate false advertising.

Something is branded as being the best. When you view the advertisement you just can’t believe it looks that good. You simply must have it. Whatever it is. You go to make your big purchase…giddy with excitement….only to have your dreams dashed as you glance at what you just wasted good money on. Continue reading

Be Amazing…..Not Normal

I have a Dilemma.

Image result for i want to work out, but I also want to eat tacos

There… I have said it.  It is out in the open.  I have absolutely no shame in making the above statement. My body screams, “Girl…Get fit!” But my stomach responds… “Need Tacos…STAT!” It is a constant struggle, and let me be honest…The tacos usually win.  Continue reading

Let The Sun Shine….AGAIN!


Well, I was nominated once again for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank you so much BEXoxox Blog for the shout out and nomination! A while back I said I wasn’t going to participate in any more of these awards, but you know what????? Someone took the time to read something I wrote and they liked it! They thought enough of my words to  recognize me and give me a shout out, so I in turn accept the nomination and proudly display for all to see.  🙂 Now, awards aren’t for everyone, so if you don’t accept…hey that’s fine too.  🙂 Continue reading

Take The Risk.

T.S. Elliot once said, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”  So many of us stand on the sidelines looking at life and say, “I could never do that?” But how do we truly know that to be true unless we try?

My whole life I have been a dreamer. There were all sorts of goals and life accomplishments I wanted to experience. Some I achieved and succeeded at, but others… well if they required too much I just brushed it off… “That’s too hard. Definitely not for me.”

Maybe getting older has made me more reflective, but after turning 40 I started taking inventory of my life. When I looked back one thing was painfully obvious….. Continue reading